The role of touch in acupuncture treatment
6 Jan , 2019

The role of touch in acupuncture treatment

Studies show that both sensory-discriminative and affective-social touch aspects play an important role in the...

Effects of electroacupuncture on bone mineral density, oestradiol level and osteoprotegerin ligand expression in ovariectomised rabbits
6 Jan , 2019

Effects of electroacupuncture on bone mineral dens...

Study on rabbit showed that electroacupuncture restored bone mineral density towards normal and was associated...

On dermatomes, meridians and points: results of a quasiexperimental study
6 Jan , 2019

On dermatomes, meridians and points: results of a ...

Study explored whether points on the trunk are associated with their meridian function or with their innervati...

New Scientific Breakthrough Proves Why Acupuncture Works
3 Jan , 2019

New Scientific Breakthrough Proves Why Acupuncture...

New groundbreaking research shows that the insertion of an acupuncture needle into the skin disrupts t...