Being at my wits end with my joint problems due to small autoimmune disease that causes my joints to scar and freeze; life was getting to be difficult with my inability to bend to tie my shoes and put on shirts without shoulder pain. As a last resort I finally decided to give Acupuncture a try.
I am so fortunate to have found Wendy and her services. On the first treatment she helped me regain movement in my left hip that had frozen due to injury for 15 years. She also started treatment on my right frozen shoulder and an area in my back that was permanently spasm protecting a fracture from when I was a child. My shoulder responded in 3 treatments and has me thinking of going back to professional tennis coaching. It took a little longer to get "The Brick" as she calls it out of my back. My back was so stiff she did not think she could be of any help. But she did it...She got the permanent back spasm to subside.
Eternally grateful for finding Wendy and her clinic. I recommend if you have pains' do not wait to find Wendy. She can seriously change your life.
Being at my wits end with my joint problems due to small autoimmune disease that causes my joints to scar and freeze; life was getting to be difficult with my inability to bend to tie my shoes and put on shirts without shoulder pain. As a last resort I finally decided to give Acupuncture a try.
I am so fortunate to have found Wendy and her services. On the first treatment she helped me regain movement in my left hip that had frozen due to injury for 15 years. She also started treatment on my right frozen shoulder and an area in my back that was permanently spasm protecting a fracture from when I was a child. My shoulder responded in 3 treatments and has me thinking of going back to professional tennis coaching. It took a little longer to get "The Brick" as she calls it out of my back. My back was so stiff she did not think she could be of any help. But she did it...She got the permanent back spasm to subside.
Eternally grateful for finding Wendy and her clinic. I recommend if you have pains' do not wait to find Wendy. She can seriously change your life.